Vyas Koduvayur

TITLE: Undergraduate student


I am an undergraduate student studying computational and systems biology. My research involves analyzing next-gen sequencing data to investigate the mechanisms of IFNy signaling in macrophages, particularly in the context of understanding how initial exposures to the immune system affect future responses.

Aidan Nguyen

TITLE: Undergraduate student
EMAIL: aidannguyen27@nullucla.edu


I am a second-year undergraduate student studying Statistics and Data Science. My research involves the analysis of scRNA-seq data to uncover critical insights into bone marrow stroma cells, utilizing various computational models with R to classify cell types and understand disease mechanisms. I love to play volleyball and boardgames in my free time!

Vaibhava Kesarwani

TITLE: Undergraduate student
EMAIL: vibhuk703@nullg.ucla.edu


I am an undergraduate student studying Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology (MCDB). My research involves using wet-lab techniques to generate fate maps for B-cells.

Tiffany Wang

TITLE: Undergraduate student
EMAIL: mailto: tiffwang2704@nullg.ucla.edu


I’m a third-year undergraduate student studying Computational and Systems Biology at UCLA. My current research is focused on studying protein expression related to the NF-kB pathway through intracellular staining.

Noah Yan

Title: MD/PhD Student
Email: NYan@nullmednet.ucla.edu
B.S., Molecular and Cellular Biology, Johns Hopkins University (2019)


I’m an MD/PhD student primarily interested in studying how changes in macrophage signaling affect cellular functions. My clinical interests are in Psychiatry and immune dysregulation in psychiatric illness.

Noa Harriott

TITLE: Graduate student
EMAIL: nharriott@nullg.ucla.edu


I’m interested in investigating the signaling networks that cells of the innate immune system use to regulate how they respond to the diverse stimuli they encounter.

Madelaine Leitman

TITLE: Undergraduate Student
EMAIL: madleitman2003@nullg.ucla.edu


I am a fourth-year undergraduate student studying Computational and Systems Biology. My research involves studying macrophages in Inflammatory Bowel Disease. 

Yijia Chen

TITLE: Undergraduate Student
EMAIL: cindychen2020@nullg.ucla.edu


My research focuses on dynamical modeling and data analysis. My main project is to implement computational and modeling techniques to predict the encoding of the information of distinct stimuli in the NF-κB dynamics and the decoding of the dynamics to control gene expression specificity in macrophages. Outside of the lab, I am interested in biotech startups and enjoy swimming, traveling, and playing board games :).

Jianche Liu

TITLE: Visiting Undergraduate Student
EMAIL: jianche.21@nullintl.zju.edu.cn


I am a junior year dual degree Bioinformatics student in Zhejiang University and the University of Edinburgh. My research interest is in computational simulation and profiling of B-cell antibody repertoire. I love music, traveling and reading.

Julie Reyes

TITLE: Undergraduate Student
EMAIL: juliereyes0508@nullg.ucla.edu


I am an undergraduate Computational and Systems Biology student currently analyzing chromatin-associated RNA data to determine how initiation rate is affected by prior conditioning.